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Responsible Banking For Board Members And Executives

  • Executive
  • 8-10 Hours
  • Online
  • £380

About the Course

Responsible Banking for Board Members and Executives has been designed for those working at the higher levels of the banking world. Those with the power to make high-impact decisions hold a unique position in our collective journey towards responsible banking on a global scale.

Having been tailored specifically to those in senior banking roles, this course will teach learners how to incorporate the Principles for Responsible Banking  in their day-to-day decision-making.


Course Details and Modules

The aim of this course is to develop, at an executive level, your knowledge and understanding of the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) so that you have the knowledge and insight you need to hold credible and informed conversations on the impact, risks and opportunities that arise as you consider environmental, social and governance issues, from the PRB and SDGs.

The course is also designed to:

  • raise your awareness of key questions to ask in order to critically evaluate and challenge existing business strategies;
  • enhance your understanding of key facets to consider when conducting impact analysis using a risk-based approach; and
  • help you to lead and facilitate the embedding of responsible banking at the very heart of your organisation.

The key objective is to encourage you to think about:

  • the ‘bigger picture’ and the critical role that banks play in advancing sustainability, noting the influence of key externalities;
  • potential conflicts with your bank’s existing activities and the gap between reality and aspiration, so that you can see ‘over the horizon’ and define the action needed to move closer towards your vision;
  • how you can approach strategic analysis with a risk-led mindset, develop and enhance your strategic plans in line with the Principles for Responsible Banking and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and how you can drive the case for change, implement strategy, and adapt your bank’s operations accordingly.

Responsible Banking for Board Members and Executives consists of five units:

  1. Contemporary Strategic Influences on Banking
  2. Aligning Finance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement
  3. Incorporating Sustainability and Responsible Banking in Corporate Strategy
  4. Science and Risk-based Approaches to Evaluating Strategy
  5. Taking Action

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this course, you will be able to:

  1. identify and analyse contemporary strategic influences on banking
  2. examine the role of a range of key players and policy and regulatory frameworks, including the framework for the Principles for Responsible Banking, in aligning banking and finance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement
  3. critically evaluate how responsible banking can be incorporated in corporate strategies, policies and procedures, both within the bank and its customer base
  4. analyse a balance of science and risk-based approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of responsible banking in corporate strategies
  5. create a plan for aligning your own and your bank’s professional practice with sustainability and for embedding a culture of responsible banking throughout your organisation.

What learning resources are available?

Your learning resources will include:

  • interactive eLearning content
  • case studies
  • videos of fellow executives from banks across the globe sharing their experience and expertise in implementing and embedding the Principles for Responsible Banking framework and incorporating sustainability into their bank’s strategy
  • videos of industry experts sharing their knowledge to enhance your understanding of climate and sustainability risks, and the analysis of associated data
  • opportunities to reflect on and capture your thoughts about where you are in your own bank’s sustainability journey, and create an action plan that will move you further towards achieving your vision for supporting the transition to a low-carbon world and attainment of the goals that we as a society have set for ourselves, as articulated in the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement.


Upon completing this course, the user will be awarded a digital certificate and badge.

Our courses are designed to help banks and bankers implement the UN Principles for Responsible Banking

Getting Started In Responsible Banking

  • Beginner
  • 10-15 Hours
  • Online
  • £100

Getting Started in Responsible Banking is the PRB Academy’s introductory course. It is aimed at all bank employees who would like to learn more about the Principles and practice of responsible banking so that they can support implementation of their bank’s strategy, serve their customers well, and reflect on what they personally can do to contribute to a more responsible banking profession and support the transition to a more sustainable world.

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Clients And Customers

  • Specialist
  • 6-7 Hours
  • Online
  • £125

Clients and Customers is a specialist course designed to raise your awareness and knowledge of sustainability, what it means to be a responsible bank, and how you can encourage and support your clients and customers to transition to more sustainable practice.

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Climate Change

  • Specialist
  • 10-15 Hours
  • Online
  • £125

Climate Change is a specialist course designed to raise your awareness and knowledge of climate change, the impact that climate change has on society and banks, the impact that society and banks have on climate change, and of the PRB which provide a framework for ensuring that banks’ strategies, activities and operations align with society’s goals – including the management of climate change - as expressed in the UN SDGs, the Paris Climate Agreement, as well as other international agreements. 

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Introduction to Nature and Responsible Banking

  • Beginner
  • 2-5 Hours
  • Online
  • £125

Introduction to Nature and Responsible Banking is set within the context of the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) – the world’s leading sustainable banking framework. The aim of this course is to raise learners’ awareness of nature, the importance of our natural world, and how society and businesses rely on nature for their production needs and supply chains. This course shows why nature loss is a critical issue for a responsible bank, outlining key frameworks that banks can use to help assess their nature-related impacts and identify opportunities to have a more positive impact on nature. 

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Applying Nature-Responsible Banking

  • Specialist
  • 12-15 hours
  • Online
  • £125

Applying Nature-Responsible Banking is set within the context of the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) – the world’s leading sustainable banking framework.  

This course builds on the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) Academy’s Introduction to Nature and Responsible Banking course. While the introductory course aims to enhance knowledge and understanding of nature and why its health is so important for our people, planet, and profit, Applying Nature-Responsible Banking aims to help you apply a nature-responsible approach to banking, reducing negative impacts on nature and moving towards positive contributions.

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Introduction to Nature and Responsible Banking - French

  • Beginner
  • 2-5 Hours
  • Online
  • £125

Le cours sur L'introduction à la nature et à la banque responsable sensibilise à l'importance de la nature pour la société et les entreprises, en soulignant comment la perte de la nature affecte la banque responsable. Ce cours présente les principaux cadres que les banques peuvent utiliser pour évaluer leur impact sur la nature et identifier les possibilités d'action positive. Cette page de cours s'adresse aux personnes intéressées par l'apprentissage de L'introduction à la nature et à la banque responsable en français.

Please note that this course page is for the French version of the course, by filling in the application form you are applying to study the course in French.

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Introduction to Nature and Responsible Banking - Spanish

  • Beginner
  • 2-5 Hours
  • Online
  • £125

El curso Introducción a la naturaleza y banca responsable sensibiliza sobre la importancia de la naturaleza para la sociedad y las empresas, destacando cómo la pérdida de naturaleza afecta a la banca responsable. El curso esboza marcos clave que los bancos pueden utilizar para evaluar sus impactos relacionados con la naturaleza e identificar oportunidades de acción positiva. Esta página del curso es para todas aquellas personas interesadas en aprender sobre la Introducción a la naturaleza y banca responsable en español.

Please note that this course page is for the Spanish version of the course, by filling in the application form you are applying to study the course in Spanish.

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Applying Nature-Responsible Banking - French

  • Specialist
  • 12-15 hours
  • Online
  • £125

Le cours sur La banque responsable appliquée à la nature est basé sur le cours l'Introduction à la nature et à la banque responsable de l’Académie des PBR. Alors que le cours d'introduction explique pourquoi la nature est importante, ce cours se concentre sur la façon dont les banques peuvent réduire les dommages causés à la nature et apporter des changements positifs. Il aide les participants à développer des compétences qui profitent à la fois aux banques et à l'environnement. Cette page de cours s'adresse aux personnes intéressées par l'apprentissage de La banque responsable appliquée à la nature en français.

This course page is for the French version of the course, by filling in the application form you are applying to study the course in French.

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Applying Nature-Responsible Banking - Spanish

  • Specialist
  • 12-15 hours
  • Online
  • £125

El curso Aplicando la naturaleza – Banca responsable se basa en el curso Introducción a la naturaleza y banca responsable de la Academia de los PBR. Mientras que el curso introductorio explica por qué la naturaleza es importante, este curso se centra en cómo los bancos pueden reducir el daño a la naturaleza y hacer cambios positivos. Esto ayuda a los participantes a desarrollar habilidades que benefician tanto a los bancos como al medio ambiente. Esta página del curso está dirigida a todas aquellas personas interesadas en aprender sobre Aplicando la naturaleza – Banca responsable en español.

Please note that this course page is for the Spanish version of the course, by filling in the application form you are applying to study the course in Spanish.

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