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Chartered Banker Institute PRB Academy Cookie Policy


Cookies are text files placed on your computer typically used to collect standard internet log information, visitor behaviour information or to support or enhance the user experience. We use four types of cookies on our website, log-in cookies, anti-forgery cookies, cookie banner related cookies and Google Analytics cookies (non-mandatory). More information on these cookies are given below.

If you do not know what cookies are or would like to know how to block or delete them, we suggest you visit or

We currently operate an ‘implied consent’ policy regarding cookies. This means that by accessing this website we assume you are giving consent to cookies being used. If you are not happy with this you can set your browser not to accept cookies (for example, using ‘InPrivate’ for Internet Explorer or ‘Private Browsing’ in Firefox) and the above websites tell you how to remove cookies from your browser. However, this may mean that some of our website features may not function as a result.


Log-in Cookies

Log-in cookies are used to determine users logged in state across the site. These cookies are produced to implement user requests, enhance the user experience and support the interaction between the website and the underpinning database.


Anti-Forgery Cookies

Anti-forgery cookies prevent attackers from duplicating information previously submitted by a user, when filling in a form on the website. These cookies are used as security for form submissions across the website.


Cookie banner related cookies

We use and comply with The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in force in the EU. This regulation states that all EU citizens have the right to be informed when businesses collect data about them. Businesses must inform individuals why they are collecting the data, how long they keep the data for, and which organizations they will share the data with. Individuals also have the right to object to the processing of their personal data in some circumstances.

For more information read here:


Google Analytics cookies

We use Google Analytics to compile statistical reports and to analyse how our website is being used so that we can improve the experience for all visitors. All user data is anonymous. More information about Google’s privacy policy for its analytics service can be found at


Other websites and embedded content

Our website contains links to other websites. Our cookie policy only applies to this website.