The PRB Academy offers a range of partnership options designed to develop local capabilities in responsible and sustainable banking. By collaborating with the PRB Academy, partners can tailor our global curriculum to address in-country priorities and unique challenges. Here are the primary ways to partner with us:
Partnership Opportunities Include:
Who Can Partner with Us? We welcome collaborations with:
For further information about partnerships with the PRB Academy, please contact [email protected]
Our partnerships have already had a significant impact in regions like India, Mexico, Egypt, and Central Asia. Here’s how we’re working with local institutions to advance sustainable banking:
India: In January/February 2023, the PRB Academy collaborated with the Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF) to deliver in-person training in Mumbai, attended by over 120 participants.
Mexico: Partnering with the Mexican Banking Association (ABM) and the Central Bank of Mexico, the Academy piloted training in Mexico City and online in early 2023. Following the pilot, ABM, CMFS, the IFC, and the PRB Academy are developing a new online training on Sustainable Finance and ESG Criteria, expected to launch in August 2024.
Egypt: In collaboration with the Egyptian Banking Institute (EBI), in-person training was held in Cairo in September 2023, engaging over 200 professionals in responsible banking practices.
Central Asia: The PRB Academy is working with the Union of Banks of Kyrgyzstan to design programs tailored for the region, including events in Russian and country-specific training across Central Asia.